The Maggie Oliver Foundation

Maggie Oliver is best known as the Detective-turned- whistleblower who resigned from Greater Manchester Police in late 2012 in order to expose the now infamous Rochdale Grooming Scandal. Her ability to connect with people and encourage them to speak out against injustice paired with her grit and determination to expose the truth eventually led to the multi award-winning dramatisation of the case entitled Three Girls (BBC One) which brought some of the issues to public attention for the first time. Maggie was also a key contributor for The Betrayed Girls documentary (BBC One)

Maggie’s relationship with the victims of child grooming continues to this day, still fighting for justice for the people of Rochdale.

This has now led to The Maggie Oliver Foundation being set up with the focus on helping survivors to ‘Transform Pain into Power’

The Foundation will start its life in Rochdale where it will open a The Maggie Oliver Centre for women it will be run by volunteers and survivors who will be able to provide a much needed and valued support to those who have been affected by sexual abuse, and help then access support, legal advice therapy as well as training and education.

The centre will be open to all faiths and backgrounds, a hub for women to integrate and build relationships; Mums & tot’s groups, coffee mornings, art classes, workshops and access to support networks and services.

The Maggie Oliver Foundation is actively looking to engage with corporate sponsorship and funding to support this very much needed centre.

Weʼre raising £250,000 to be able to open The Maggie Oliver Centre for Women in Rochdale who have suffered sexual abuse.